Linetec added a new online, on-demand, video continuing education course to its website.
The new course, "Architectural Design Opportunities: Utilizing High-Performance Coatings," joins "Architectural Coatings: Weathering, performance and application of high-performance coatings" as an approved American Institute of Architects Continuing Education Series (AIA/CES) presentation. Those who successfully complete both of Linetec's one-hour, self-guided courses can earn up to 2.0 Learning Units.
To take the course, visit Learn.Linetec.com to complete the registration form. If AIA/CES credit is requested, Linetec will process the submission.
What you'll learn
The new course provides architects, architectural specifiers and others with general knowledge and specifications, industry knowledge and finishing information, and design and customization opportunities for long-lasting anodize finishes and painted coatings on architectural aluminum products.
Tony Pupp, Linetec's course presenter and North Central sales manager has more than 25 years of experience in high-performance paint and anodize finishing. He frequently presents Linetec's AIA/CES programs at chapter events for the AIA, the Association of Licensed Architects, the Construction Specifications Institute and the U.S. Green Building Council.