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Case Study: AGNORA Detects Glass Defects Faster with SYNERGX

SynergxIn this case study, discover how SYNERGX contributes to fulfilling AGNORA’s mission to produce high-quality architectural glass. 

Read the complete Case Study from Synergx (videos included).

The Challenge

While AGNORA already had three scanners to inspect other processes, including seaming, tempering and Insulating Glass Unit (IGU), the company didn’t have one on the lamination line that often uses the highest value components.

AGNORA manufactures a lot of solar control and anti-reflection glass. These metallic coatings can have voids and debris. Because they are reflective or dark, they also make it difficult to detect glass defects underneath. If undetected, they will invariably create pricey rejects downstream. What’s more, as many in the glass industry know, architectural glass inspections are still conducted by humans but SURFX brings up more intelligence and provides 100% surface inspection.

The Solution

To alleviate these challenges, AGNORA decided to add SYNERGX’s in-line SURFX GLASS scanner, which meets the ASTM C1036 standard
specification for flat glass.

The scanner was installed in early May 2022. It took only three days to install the scanner between the washer and the clean room entrance. Operator training was swift, and AGNORA’s manufacturing team was able to restart production very quickly.

The Results

As a result, the company was able to drastically reduce scrap waste and associated costs as well as accelerate throughput.

Reviewing the post-implementation data for rejects, the company has observed a sizeable 50% increase in rejectable materials at the post-scanner inspection step, compared to previous periods.

The increase in rejects at this location has, in turn, decreased the number of rejectable materials going further downstream. There are significantly fewer rejected laminates and IGU products. By rejecting material earlier in the process, there are substantial savings on interlayers, glass and labor that would otherwise be part of a rejected fully assembled unit.

Read the complete Case Study from Synergx (videos included).