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The Thrill of the Pod

Next week there will be a new episode of the From the Fabricator podcast. It looks to be a good one. It got me thinking on how many people I’ve interviewed so far. The three guests that will appear will be numbers 114, 115, and 116. When I tallied that up, I was somewhat stunned. I did not think I had interviewed that many people, but sure enough I have.

By Max Perilstein | August 28, 2023

Legacy looks or future focused? All are possible with high performance finishes

Architectural finishes are versatile, and can help designers match historic looks or more modern aesthetics. Both can offer durable quality, if suppliers and manufacturers know what to look for.

By Tammy Schroeder | August 21, 2023

Thoughts Out West

I never thought I’d be leading off a blog talking about a hurricane hitting southern California and the southwest, but here we are. Obviously sending positive thoughts to all, especially with regards to the rains and floods. Stay safe out there my friends. 

By Max Perilstein | August 21, 2023

The Best... and Staying That Way

“Glass can do everything…” that was the headline for the annual Glass Magazine Awards. When you look at the winners you realize that, indeed, it really can do everything! I loved going through the projects especially. Congrats to everyone who participated in this process as it makes our industry look great. Kudos to the winners, folks like Glass 3 Enterprises who have been involved in some amazing projects over the years getting recognition here.

By Max Perilstein | August 14, 2023

3 key considerations for capitalizing on EC glass tax credits

Glass industry companies have the opportunity to capitalize on the Inflation Reduction Act's incentives for electrochromic glass. Before entering this market, manufacturers should be aware of what EC is, how U.S. products compare, and what to know about installation.

By Lisa May | August 10, 2023

Fishing for the Phishers

Scam emails seek to infiltrate business systems and take information. Considering the average office worker receives over 100 emails daily, it's easy to get fooled by phishing emails. Here's 10 signs that an email might not be legitimate.

News and Nuggets

We may be square in the “dog days” of summer but various news and happenings are always popping in our industry. This week a handful of things to rundown, but leading off with a long overdue Glass Magazine review.

By Max Perilstein | August 07, 2023

Glass Cast Episode 3

Taylor Anderson talks about the skilled labor shortage and the comprehensive onboarding process at her company, Anderson Aluminum as part of the BEC Conference panel, Generational and Mentorship Gaps.

Podcast on Both Coasts

My new podcast is up, and I speak with Ashley Klein of AK Glazing as well as Evan Afenir of Double Play Glass, two glass industry up-and-comers that are the future of our space. We talked about how they're navigating this current market and more.

By Max Perilstein | July 31, 2023

As Technology Rises, Does Our Happiness Fall?

Technology has provided countless benefits, but concerns about its impact on our health are growing. Oversaturation can lead to stress and an inability to unplug, which is unhelpful for work and for life.